What we’re doing?

We are modernizing the entire language industry, and keeping it that way, too. Thanks to recent innovations in technology, we can claim to have the first and only AI-driven headless CRM that any company can use to make language access a central feature within their own communication channels. Imagine being a startup and generating revenue internationally from Day One, or an established multinational enterprise with centralized multilingual communication channels.  

A modern language industry would have the power to unite, coordinate and translate the free online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, overnight.  Really? Maybe, but why stop there? For-profit companies can connect with people globally, and make them want to buy things, thus creating international economic dependencies.  This reduces the probability for international war and contributes to stability and greater world peace – and that’s what we’re about.

Now for the corporate stuff

For the “due diligence” people in the audience: Zin Global is a US-based technology development company responsible for ZinCRM, founded in the hot summer of 2022. ZinCRM was designed to enhance Language Service Provider profitability by streamlining critical process issues. 

Founded by Bryan Montpetit and Angelo Passalacqua PhD., two language industry veterans, Zin Global looks to address the automation issues experienced by Language Service Providers within Marketing, Sales and Production.

Benefits to the sell-side are mirrored on the buy-side, ensuring both sellers and buyers remain in perfect, transparent production harmony.

Current Investment Round: Pre-Seed.

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